Resizing your images...

So before you enter the text on your lovely work you will want to resize the document to the final size. Check with your group on what resolution and size they want your finished work to be. One group I work for wants my finished images to be resolution: 150 Height in pixels: 1100 and that is what I am going to be using for this tutorial.

A couple of things to note before we begin. The reason you want to resize before you typeset is because resizing will change the size of the font. If your group wants you to use a specific sized font then it is most important that you resize before you typeset. You will also want to change the resolution before you change the image height. If you do it the other way around then your final image height will not be what you set it to originally. I learned this one the hard way.


Open up the image size dialog box (CTRL + ALT + I). Enter in the resolution size then the height of the image that your group wants you to use. In this example the resolution is set to 150 and the height 1100.


And that is pretty much all there is to resizing your image.

Now back to the index and more tutorials.